Glam news

Kim Kardashian Infidel!

Kim Kardashian caught cheating?

Apparently Kim Kardashian is unfaithful to her fiance, only a few days
after giving the news of his wedding.
Kim Kardashian found out about a new scandal that revolves around them,
In Touch Weekly magazine posted on its cover that the model has been unfaithful
to her lover and fiance.

The publication says he had a five-month secret affair with a man named Bret Lockett
parallel to the formal relationship she has with the NBA player, Kris Humphries.

Kim Kardashian said, annoyed that this story is completely false and sent a statement
saying that she knew that announcing his commitment unleash rumors and lies about her,
so she was not surprised that now say they have an affair a man who never met,
nor has ever spoken with him and so has sent text messages as the magazine said.

Kim Kardashian said that the man who invented it certainly wants to ruin their relationship
and should feel very ashamed for defaming that way.

The beautiful model and it said no one will come between Kris and her.
and stated that it seems pathetic that a magazine would say something a eXtranol reported
unconfirmed whether it was true before.
Kim Kardashian says something very wise, you should not believe everything you read,
the entertainment magazines are tabloid and say whatever it takes to obtain financial resources.
She will take legal action against In Touch magazine.
After the news of her engagement, then her possible pregnancy and now this alleged infidelity,
what’s next for Kim Kardashian?

Kim Kardashian


June 9, 2011 Posted by | Uncategorized | | Leave a comment

Rosie Huntington-Whiteley posing sexy for GQ

Rosie Huntington-Whiteley GQ

Rosie Huntington-Whiteley admits to having been an ugly duckling as a child

The actress and model Rosie Huntington-Whiteley (Transformers 3), thus posing sexy
for the upcoming issue of GQ magazine in its British edition.
Also in that number speaks about his childhood, and says that it was considered
the most beautiful among their peers.
Further, said she felt like the ugly duckling of the class.

Rosie Huntington-Whiteley was considered the sexiest woman on the planet.
Also from next June 29 will see her performance in the upcoming film Transformers 3,
working under the orders of Michael Bay.

Rosie Huntington-Whiteley says
“They used to bother me a lot in my childhood.
Especially with regard to my lips and my lack of chest.
She had nicknames like ‘lips herring’ and other degrading names thereon.
No boy was interested in me. ”

Although children spend away from depressed, Rosie Huntington-Whiteley admits
that “despite these things, also went through some good times with my friends and my love
of riding. ”

Britain’s 24-year-old was discovered 7 years ago while working at the warehouse
of a modeling agency in the summer.
Also confesses that to date has not finished so quickly assimilate that was her life
at this time is that time and as the girl who was once the “ugly”in class,
became a famous model and applied at world.

She is currently romantically linked to actor Jason Statham,
who shares a house in Los Angeles.

Rosie Huntington-Whiteley
Rosie Huntington-Whiteley

June 6, 2011 Posted by | Uncategorized | , , , , | Leave a comment